2022 Uranium Bootcamp – Part 4

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Program – March 19, 2022

  • Part 1 – Peter Grosskopf (Sprott Inc.)
  • Part 2 – Mandeep Ludu & Per Jander (WMC Energy)
  • Part 3 – Ross McElroy (Fission Uranium), John Borshoff (Deep Yellow Limited), Travis McPherson (NexGen Energy Ltd)
  • Part 4 – Travis McPherson (NexGen Energy Ltd), John Ciampaglia (Sprott Asset Management)
  • Part 5 – Spencer Abraham (former US Secretary of Energy), Amir Adnani (CEO of UEC), Scott Melbye (CEO of Uranium Royalty)
  • Part 6 – Duncan Craib (Boss Energy Ltd)
  • Part 7 – Grant Isaac (CFO of Cameco), Justin Huhn (Publisher of Uranium Insider), Lobo Tiggre (Publisher of Independent Speculator), Aksar Batyrbayev (CCO of Kazatomprom)
  • Part 8 – Paul Ma (Director, CGN Mining Company Ltd), Rick Rule (Q&A)