[PMR117] Dow Closes Worst First Quarter In History
Recorded March 31, 2020
Brien Lundin is the editor of Gold Newsletter and the host of the New Orleans Investment Conference.
Contact: https://goldnewsletter.com
Twitter: @brien_lundin
Sponsor: https://www.nestcowork.io
The NEST CoWork space is a program of the CyberTech Network, a global cybersecurity and Internet of Things (IoT) network ecosystem providing cybersecurity and IoT resources, strategic programs and thought leadership events across the nation. NEST features 20+ reserved and non reserved “hot” desks accessible on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. There are also numerous private offices suitable for 1 person to entire 12 person Team. The NEST CoWork space is home to a slew of tech start-ups, entrepreneurial efforts, and non-profit organizations looking for a supportive, yet independent work space.
The Show: Albert Lu is the creator and host of The Power & Market Report, a market news and opinion videocast. Send your comments and questions to Albert on social media:
Twitter: @albertklu
Instagram: /powerandmarket
Albert Lu